Three years ago during my first Brigade experience there were two Paddle Canada crews - PC1 & PC2. This past summer there were twelve alumni participating so one day we put together a "PC3" crew so we could all paddle together again. We also sent a thank you message to Eric Williams who made it possible for the two crews to paddle in 2008.
In the photo from PC2 are Sharon, Bill and Richard (sequentially from my left) and David who is wearing a PFD. From PC1 are Ross, David and Jay on the far right. Missing from the photo are Janice and Tanya who were teaching kids how to canoe when this shot was taken; Eloise who was driving down to rejoin the Brigade; and Robbie Bates who could only get two weeks off work.
In a few weeks some of will be together again for the official launch of the 2011 video. That probably means I will get the itch before long to assemble some of my 2011 video so I have something to show. Therefore I predict a few marathon video editing sessions in the not too distant future.