Monday, September 13, 2010

PlayPump video

I failed to get this video to upload to my Wordpress blog), so I am attempting to send it to this blog and perhaps I can cross-link it. If you haven't read my comments about PlayPump, the short version is that the product costs four times more than the standard pumps used in many countries and somebody is creating a future water problem for a school & village when they remove a fully functional Afridev pump and install a Playpump. The video shows kids having some fun, playing with the pump.

So it seems the BlackBerry video format might be the issue, since Blogspot doesn't seem to want to show it either. Hmmm, this could take some work.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm in Malawi

I am in Malawi as part of an Engineers Without Borders placement. The bulk of my updates will be on an alternate blog where you can subscribe to receive an email notification when I post something new.

This map doesn't show Balaka where I am living, but it is east of Ntcheu (which is spelled incorrectly on this map).

I went to an internet cafe to upload some files. Silly me. I plugged my laptop into their network and the fastest internet site in town painted the Google search logo over a period of about 10 seconds. They need some bandwidth over here. My BlackBerry has EDGE connection speed which is better than so called broadband here.