Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Crew, plus a few

In Duvernay and Elk Point Alberta we again had communities serve the entire Brigade a supper meal and breakfast. Tonight will be the first time after nine days of paddling that we will cook our own supper. Today we paddle a short distance, just 30 kilometers or so.

In Duvernay the sunset was coloured by the smoke of a bush and grass fire that wiped with the assistance of strong winds we had enjoyed using to sail down the river. It burned for two days until the winds settled down yesterday.

Both towns had fireworks and Ukrainian dancers and fiddle players. Many Brigade members including Richard from our crew showed their dancing talent. The PC2 crew is pictured with Robbie and David Bates of Paddle Canada #1. Today David Colpitts joins the crew as the Bow Waters crew depart.
Sent from my BlackBerry

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